Monday, June 30, 2008
I had my injection today. Here's the (gruesome) deets: The right arm injection (first one) is painful when they jab you, but after that it's okay. The left arm injection is really fast when they jab you, but now it's sore!! But the soreness should be gone in a few days. Okay I shall take Noel's advice and shorten my posts so more people will read them. P.S(to Noel) No I don't normally eat western at home, only when my dad cooks (: And zinezonemag is something that you SHOULD DEFINITELY READ!!!!!!P.P.S(to Nicole) No one cried during the injection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.P.S( to Jav)HAHAHA WHAT????????P.P.P.S(to Annie)BEST INGENIOUS NICKNAMES OF THE YEAR!!!P.P.P.P.S(to Charlene)Yup! I love my msn emoticon babies!!!P.P.P.P.P.S(to Tosy) Ooh thanks!
Friday, June 27, 2008
We're gonna have an injection next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard it's painful and I really don't wanna cry in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dinner was good tonight! Dad cooked. Well, supervised and prepared, and did the menu. We had butter garlic prawns, fried white mushrooms, panfried beef, boilet russet potatoes and veggie. I HEART TONIGHT'S DINNER! Bible study's tonight, now, actually. But the twits are late. Wk and Rus, duh! One day I'm gonna come up with a book called 'The Smiley Anothology'. Which is about smileys and how they can be happy and sad to happy again. Or vice versa. Or if I don't write that, then I'm gonna write a book called 'Boys wear skirts' about this girl whose brother is gay and how she copes with that. I am not kidding. Not kidding, I repeat. And once I get school out of the way I'm gonna work on it. It'll be like a bestseller of something. I also have another story. This kitten got lost. A doggy found her. They got married. Their first child was a snail. He came out all deformed. They named him 'Ugglee', which was totally honest. Their second child was a sheep, which they named 'Scheet', 'cos he stank and was golden-brown. Their third child was a lip-stick mark. It was on a piece of tissue. The kitten found it. On the floor. And adopted it. What do you think it's called? It's actually up to you to decide.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Yesterday, Deborah and me went to Tosy's house to catch the Hannah Montana Best Of Both Worlds 3D movie/concert on Disney Channel. It was pretty nice. For the first part of the show, it was Hannah Montana, and for the second part it was Miley Cyrus. Hannah's songs are girlier while Miley's songs have more attitude. After the show, they showed this Jonas Brothers Live The Dream thing. Tosy's sister was really cute and she is so much fairer then Tosy. I tied two pigtails for her(her sister, not Tosy!) but they were really messy. Guess I'm not cut out to be a hairstylist. On Friday, I went out with the Rock Team. For the first half of the day, we went cycling at Pasir Ris. We wanted to go to Fisherman's Village but we couldn't find it. :( So we went to the beach and kinda like waddled in the sea. The water was so cool! Then we returned the bikes and wk's dad picked us up to Tampines Mall to watch GET SMART!!!!!!!!! We wanted to catch the 4.50 show at GV, but we were too late, so we had to catch the 5.25 one at Shaw. The show was seriously funny. And Anne Hathaway is so pretty!! And the cheif of the spy agency is very cute. But it'll be weird if young kids watched it 'cos they say stuff like 'holy shit' and there's one scene where a woman showed the finger. But it was damn bloody bad that I had a shittingly painful headache. Bought panadol and then took bus 27 to Compass Point. We(char and me, the boys went for dinner somewhere else) met Jie and all at Compass Point in Jack's Place. It was Jie's birthday so they were eating there. We shared the spring chicken. Yumyum. It was such a fun day! We're definitely gonna do something like that again after PSLE. Today's the last day of the school holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man! I don't wanna go back. Aaron has his taekwondo demonstration thingy this evening and we're gonna watch him. Oh and before I go, here's a banana milkshake recipe for you! (From Yahoo! Answers) 1 bananaIce(according to your preferance)1 cup Milk2 tbs SugarVanilla extract(optional) Blend till smooth.Drink.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
She's got green hair! I love her eyes.

Hahahahahaha she's supposed to be danicing, but looks like she's retarding.
Met a clone! But she's blue, and I'm green and red.
I feel like blogging, but then again, I have nothing to blog about. I mean, I don't think blogging about my day would be very captivating. And I have no pictures to post. Oh wait, I think I do. I'll post pictures of my damn bloody gorgeous warcraft character. Which is only level 2. But, no sweat, I'll just train tonight. :)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
And stop your whining aaron. You're like some spoilt girl, you know that?
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY !!!!! Me and ren(aaron) baked dad a chocolate and marshmallow cake. It turned out good! Jie's gonna make dad some kinda juice, I think. I can't believe it's already the last week of our school holiday! What. The. Hell! I mean, I wasn't even bored this whole holiday! And I so do not, I repeat, DO NOT, wanna go back to school. It's boring and hot and stupid. Okay, that's all I'm gonna say about school. Oh, and the BIC essay is freakingly SICK-EN-NING. Went to jie's barbecue/early birthday thing yesterday. Was really fun. We(jie and ren and me and her friends) went cycling first, then jie's friends did her this obstacle course thing which was damn funny, 'cos jie had to like stick her face to flour to find some stuff! And she also had to sit on balloons, among other things. And her friends got her a skateboard, which was like over 50 bucks! I think her friends are very nice. Mom's Worldvision 30-hour Famine Camp thing started yesterday. It ends today, and there's a concert tonight. When I'm 15 and older, I wanna participate. I know that I'll probably get gastric and all, but I think it'll be an awesome learning experience. And it'll be fun, too!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
***Day 5***We went to Mahkota parade-which was just next to our hotel-in the late morning and shopped for a while. Dad bought me and jie a book! I got the fourth Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants book. Me and mom and dad had lunch at this peranakan restaurant while jie and aaron had lasagne at the Limau Limau cafe. We went back to the hotel and swam in the pool(which was much clearer compared to the one in the water chalet)for a little while, before we went back to Mahkota parade to watch Prince Caspian!!!!! It was really good, I loved the fact that there were many events happening one after the other. Mom and dad preferred the first narnia movie, but I think Prince Caspian was just as good! We had satay celup for dinner, which is something like steamboat, except that you cook the food in the satay peanut gravy instead of normal soup. Yumyum, it was really nice, and different! But then it happened. I was running, and fell down, and ended up getting my skin scraped! ouchouchouch. So in the end, I could not go to Pahlawan(this new shopping mall) to buy FOS tee-shirts!!! :( But jie bought me a junk-food tee! I love my sister! When she's not annoying, which is like 90% of the time. I stayed in the hotel and read my book and watched TV!###Day 6###We went to Mahkota parade for awhile, before checking out of the hotel. After lunch, which was nice chicken rice balls, we started on the journey back home. Bye holiday! It was fun while it lasted! I really liked this hoilday. Thank you Lord for this nice trip, Amen!
Me and jie!
Aaron at the Eagle Ranch hotel.
Dad took this picture of the Port Dickson water chalets.^^^Day 3^^^
It was a pretty chill-out day for us, since we'd done most of the things in Port Dickson during the first few days. We went go-carting at this carpark place thingy. I had to ride with jie, 'cos they didn't allow me to drive the go-cart alone. I didn't want to, anyway! Jie drove very fast at first, then slow, and had to stop again 'cos the go-cart had some problem, so we switched go-cart and jie drove really fast again! After Aaron's turn we went to this place called the 'Eagle Ranch Hotel', where you could stay in teepees and bandwangons and log cabins! It was pretty cool, with it's rustic charm and all. Aaron went go-carting again, but this time he could drive it on his own, but dad had to sit beside him. After touring the hotel, we went for lunch and pretty much chilled out for the rest of the day. TV's good!
@@@Day 4@@@
We drove up to Malacca today. Time for shopping! We had Jonker satay for lunch. Chicken satay was nice! Then we went to Mahkota Parade to shop for awhile while dad queued up to check in the hotel. The queue was really long! At the mall, mom bought me a pair of silver ballet flats which were really nice! It has this strap thing at the tip. After checking in the hotel, we went back to Jonker street and went to this cafe/juice bar called 'Limau Limau'(Lime Lime) for some drinks. We always go there for drinks when we go to Malacca. It serves really good and fresh juices and lovely lasagne too! I had a dragonfruit milkshake. We walked around for a while, Aaron bought a samurai sword, and then we had dinner at a peranakan restaurant. After dinner we went to the night market in Jonket street and me and jie got a tattoo! I got an angel smiley face and jie got a sun. I really like mine. Then we ate fruit sticks dipped in mai ya tang which were damn nice. It was then that I decided that when I grow up I'm gonna start this organisation called 'HTE' which stand for Help The Elderly, 'cos I saw this old woman with a table full og goods with no business and looking lonely. I mean, elderly shouldn't even work in the first place, dammit! That's just plain shit. And very unfair too, since they're old and weak. Went back to the nice hotel room to enjoy air-con and TV!!!
Modelling for a sea mud advertisement. Just kidding!
We caught catfish too!
One of the crabs.
Cactus at El Catus!###Day 2###
Went beach-combing for crabs today!!! There were millions of holes which the crabs had dug, and they were all bubbling, which meant that the crabs were all crawling underneath! But they were really really fast, so catching them was not easy. However, catching crabs/small hermit crabs were soooo easy, 'cos there were plenty of them, and also 'cos they were slow. But our target were crabs! Aaron caught most of them, but at the end of the day, Jie caught the biggest crab. The sea mud felt really good on our feet, they were all sludge-y and gooey! Mom said sea mud was good for our skin, so me and jie smeared them all over our legs and hands! Haha, I don't understand why women go to spas and pay for expensive mud packs and stuff when they can get them free. I managed to catch a few baby fishes and baby crabs. We ended up having lunch at 4!!!! We ate at Secret Recipe, yumyum! And later on, we had dinner at 9.30!!! We ate at a mexican-western restaurant called 'El Cactus' which served really good food. :) Went back to the hotel and watched TV(Disney channel!) and sleep!
See! it's me splashing ren!
Stupid boy's covering his face. And yes, my hair looks horrid.
Jie splashes that useless aaron!
Haha aaron looks retarded here.
Yay! Me and jie.Just came back from my holiday and I'm gonna blog all about it. Took lotsa pictures too!
***Day 1***
We drove up to Port Dickson and by the time we reached there, it was around lunchtime. The water chalet we stayed in was nice but kinda weird, 'cos when we walked in the chalet, we saw the BATHROOM!!! Which means, before we could even see the bedrooms, the bathroom was already there. So if you're bathing, and someone wants to come in the chalet, you have to either hide in the toilet area or let them see you naked. Anyway, after lunch the swinnlets(me and jie and aaron) swam in the hotel pool for about the whole afternoon. But before that we checked out the beach for a while, where we found lotsa sea snails and small hermit crabs. The pool water was murky, but that didn't stop us. Jie invented a game called 'Splash', where when one of us managed to catch hold of another one, we'll pin back his/her arms and shout 'splash!' so the remaining swinnlet can splash the 'victim'. E.g, I'll grab aaron by the arms and hold him above the water, shout 'splash!' to jie and she'll just keep on splashing him. It was really fun. But then came the not-fun part. Because of the chlorine in the pool, it turned my hair all dry and stiff!!!! It felt like it had been dipped in some sticky substance and left to dry!!! It also didn't help that the shampoo available was terribly lousy. Anyway, we had dinner at this restaurant called 'Mei jing', which actually means MSG, so that was pretty weird. Went back to the hotel and watched TV and sleep!!
P.S The air-con in the water chalet was reallyreally cold! I was freezing my buns off!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
I think he's quite cute here, if I do say so myself.
The back of his head. Yes, he dyed it.
The back of his head. No, he doesn't think he's Grim Reaper.
The June issue has been published! Great, now I have time to do my own blog. VISITREADANDTAGTHANKS!Aaron's away on Taekwondo camp! I don't really miss him since he's only gone for 3 days, but I kinda miss his cuteness. But I DO NOT miss his unreasonble-ness, hot-tempered-ness, rudeness, and sulkiness. I think I will post some pictures of him, anyway. Two chocettes are away on holiday! It'll be my turn soon, I think. Mom and Dad may just suddenly surprise us by saying, "Sorry kids, we're not going on a holiday anymore! Instead, we have arranged more tuition for you little people!" Nah, don't think that'll happen.I don't know why Sex And The City has like 70% of their attention on Sarah Jessica Parker. I mean, she's pretty, but so are her co-stars. I think it's quite unfair, actually, but who am I to judge? I'm not even going to watch that movie, what the hell! I have no shitting idea what to write for the BIC creative essay! Why can't they just slap on a topic? Because some people, mainly me, just are NOT BORN CREATIVE LIKE YOU SMARTASS PEOPLE AND ACTUALLY REQUIRE A TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT! IF I WANTED TO PLAY "LET'S GO BEAT AROUND THE BUSH!" I'LL JUST PLAY IT WITH MY SIBLINGS! You know, I'm not really angry. But I like to have sudden outbursts. Maybe I'll just rip off an idea from Roald Dahl or something.